Jun 20Liked by Alexa Juanita Jordan

Thank you so much for sharing your heart, Alexa. What an absolutely beautiful post. I couldn’t have stopped reading if I tried. I’m so incredibly sorry for what you had to go through to get here and know your story will impact others in their own journey.

I’m so happy you’re living your truth and following your knowing - you’re a bright light in this world 🩷

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AH! thank you so much. so deeply grateful for you and all the ways you support me 🩷

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What a beautiful evolution, thanks for sharing. I am also a devoted "Pod Squader" and feel like that podcast has such brilliance with so many topics.

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Thank you so much Janine! Yay pod squad! Absolutely agree - love sharing this podcast with people - and particularly loved revisiting this episode.

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Jun 20Liked by Alexa Juanita Jordan

Alexa what a beautiful, brave post! What do I say in this situation...that I am so proud of you that you wrote it? Because I am. That you will have a bolder, more vibrant life for acknowleging your truth? Becuase I think you will. That the timing for everything was perfect, even if it doesn't seem like it? Because it probably all unfolded when you were ready.

Well done my friend, I am so happy for you and I love your song.

P.S. I encourage you to submit this post, as well as your whole newsletter, to the directory for Qstack that my friend Troy Ford runs. I think he would love to publish this post.

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I am so unbelievably touched Donna - thank you for seeing me, and for your support and beautiful words! Grateful that you are part of my bold and vibrant life! And I would love to submit this post/the newsletter to Qstack! Will DM you about details

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